COVID-19 update 28/03/2020
Amanda Johnson
We hope that everyone is coping during our third day of Lockdown. We cannot deny that this week will have been very challenging/unsettling times for most, as everyone will have been affected in some way or other.
After becoming rather shell-shocked myself and somewhat reeling following the Government’s announcement on Monday, we scrambled to seek understanding of our position and all the implications this would have on our work, home and family. I have been so super proud of my team at Working Hands who are absolute stars; superseding all expectations, pitching in to brainstorm, help set up and test our new working platform for these upcoming weeks. So from Monday, 30/03/2020 we will be offering a Telehealth service to all existing and new patients. Please bear with us though as we know we will experience some teething problems as we navigate through some rather uncharted territory.
We are fully aware that anyone experiencing a very sore arm or recovering from an injury/surgery right now will make this trying time even more challenging. We will do everything we can within our powers to help you manage through these never ideal, tough times.
You can reach us on P: 939 4263, M: 027 883 8789 or E:
I would like to do a huge shout out to all the Wellington Hand Therapists and Hand Surgeons working within CCDHB and HVDHB who are at the frontline of our community. They are out there braving the current harsh elements for us. Please bear a thought and well wish for these guys and their families.
Remain patient, understanding and kind. The repeated adage which remains so true, is that we are ALL in this together.
Stay safe and well in your bubble.
Kia kaha
Aroha to All xo