100 Riddiford St
Wellington, Wellington, 6021
New Zealand

(04) 939 4263

Working Hands is a privately-owned clinic that specialises in conditions of the lower arm. All of our therapists are qualified Physiotherapists, and recognised as Registered Hand Therapists with both ACC and the New Zealand Association of Hand Therapists. We work closely with Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgeons, local GPs, case managers (for both ACC and private insurers) and other allied health professionals.

WORKING HANDS has turned TWELVE years old!!

Working Hands Blog

WORKING HANDS has turned TWELVE years old!!

Amanda Johnson

Happy Birthday to Us, happy birthday to us, happy biirthhday dear Working Hands, happy birthday to us! And hopefully, many more ......

I am truly humbled by the journey of this business.  Working Hands was first situated where "Pari Beauty" now is on the shop front of Riddiford Street in Newtown.  For those first four years there, the clinic name was merely suggested on the windows by some black and white laminated letters secured to string using wooden craft pegs! While the original red logo and business cards (were self-designed using a power point template - eek, oh, the confessions).

Initially flying solo for seven years, Working Hands still managed to come out unscathed from the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and survived every time the clinic was temporarily closed (while I went on maternity leave, taking several months off each time for each of my three children). This was all thanks to a very loyal referral base and the joining of Simone in 2012 and then Theresa in 2016.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to "thank" everyone who have been supportive of this business.  For this, we will remain eternally grateful.

(Pictured are the team celebrating this milestone at the very yummy Bel Mondo.  My husband who has a running joke about the team's similar hairstyles was therefore only permitted entry to this lunch by conforming to the dress code and donning his own "bob" wig!)

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