100 Riddiford St
Wellington, Wellington, 6021
New Zealand

(04) 939 4263

Working Hands is a privately-owned clinic that specialises in conditions of the lower arm. All of our therapists are qualified Physiotherapists, and recognised as Registered Hand Therapists with both ACC and the New Zealand Association of Hand Therapists. We work closely with Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgeons, local GPs, case managers (for both ACC and private insurers) and other allied health professionals.

For All You Wool Craft Lovers Out There ... these are not large knitting needles ...

Working Hands Blog

For All You Wool Craft Lovers Out There ... these are not large knitting needles ...

Amanda Johnson

Well, it all began one cold, wintry, wet Friday night a few weeks ago when I had visited the Warehouse on a totally different mission but stumbled across these 20mm sized needles and thick yarn. Not sure what would become of this all, but a thought of being like a little girl again with huge wool and needles to play with.  That night I began my delightful journey of knitting a throw for my bed.

To my horror, the next morning, while scrolling through the news items, there was a piece played that exact night prior of this amazing business that sold 45mm sized needles! Boo :(     my needles were no where near as big as I once thought they were.  These much more giant knitting needles are very cool however; check this out: 


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