100 Riddiford St
Wellington, Wellington, 6021
New Zealand

(04) 939 4263

Working Hands is a privately-owned clinic that specialises in conditions of the lower arm. All of our therapists are qualified Physiotherapists, and recognised as Registered Hand Therapists with both ACC and the New Zealand Association of Hand Therapists. We work closely with Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgeons, local GPs, case managers (for both ACC and private insurers) and other allied health professionals.

Working Hands Blog


Amanda Johnson

Chinese New Year was welcomed in on February 16th this year and falls on the Earth Dog. This year states that one should encourage kindness and acceptance.  It is a time of fairness and equality.  That integrity and honesty are the values that will lead to success under the Dog's watchful and just influence.

I think that focus for this year could not come at a better time in light of all that seems to occur around us all day, every day in our busy lives/existence.

It is with this in mind, that the team at Working Hands would like to take this time to wish you all a lovely, peaceful Year of the Dog. Remember to be kind to all those around you regardless of their background/situation.


Amanda Johnson

Yesterday, we had a surprise visit from one our past patients who had graduated from our Hand Therapy Rehab School :)  She not only treated our whole team to a box of the most divine chocolates but she also wrote the most kindest words ever imaginable which we were so touched by and which of course, left us with the most warmest fuzzies.

So, Thank you Jo. We will never be able to express enough/justifiably how much that means to us. We wish you all the best for your upcoming adventures :)

Kindest Regards, Amanda, Theresa and Simone   

WORKING HANDS has turned TWELVE years old!!

Amanda Johnson

Happy Birthday to Us, happy birthday to us, happy biirthhday dear Working Hands, happy birthday to us! And hopefully, many more ......

I am truly humbled by the journey of this business.  Working Hands was first situated where "Pari Beauty" now is on the shop front of Riddiford Street in Newtown.  For those first four years there, the clinic name was merely suggested on the windows by some black and white laminated letters secured to string using wooden craft pegs! While the original red logo and business cards (were self-designed using a power point template - eek, oh, the confessions).

Initially flying solo for seven years, Working Hands still managed to come out unscathed from the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and survived every time the clinic was temporarily closed (while I went on maternity leave, taking several months off each time for each of my three children). This was all thanks to a very loyal referral base and the joining of Simone in 2012 and then Theresa in 2016.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to "thank" everyone who have been supportive of this business.  For this, we will remain eternally grateful.

(Pictured are the team celebrating this milestone at the very yummy Bel Mondo.  My husband who has a running joke about the team's similar hairstyles was therefore only permitted entry to this lunch by conforming to the dress code and donning his own "bob" wig!)

For All You Wool Craft Lovers Out There ... these are not large knitting needles ...

Amanda Johnson

Well, it all began one cold, wintry, wet Friday night a few weeks ago when I had visited the Warehouse on a totally different mission but stumbled across these 20mm sized needles and thick yarn. Not sure what would become of this all, but a thought of being like a little girl again with huge wool and needles to play with.  That night I began my delightful journey of knitting a throw for my bed.

To my horror, the next morning, while scrolling through the news items, there was a piece played that exact night prior of this amazing business that sold 45mm sized needles! Boo :(     my needles were no where near as big as I once thought they were.  These much more giant knitting needles are very cool however; check this out: 



Amanda Johnson

I was reading an article the other day which included a list of common text abbreviations.  I was happy I could at least identify some of them; LOL, OMG, TMI  - even though it was only three out of the 100 odd listed.  But included in that list was "HAND" ?! .......

I was relieved to find that it stood for:

.....HAVE A NICE DAY   ....  

---which is what we would like to wish you all  too :)


Amanda Johnson

Our hardworking and very well deserving Theresa was treated the other day from a very grateful chef from Louis Sergeant. 

Unfortunately, this photo does not do justice to the full beauty of these sweets.  But if you visit their facebook page, Louis Sergeant Sweet Couture (or even better, go visit them), you will be blown away by all the amazing things they can do!  It is a total feast for all the senses; eyes and palate! I have been there many a time before and have never been disappointed; soooo delish.  My kids adore (and just inhale) their macaroons.....

Thanks so much!

Easter Opening Hours

Amanda Johnson

We will be closed from Friday, 3rd April right through to and including Monday, 6th April.

Wishing you all a lovely Easter break; we hope you get a chance to relax and enjoy all those yummy Easter treats :)

wow! that whole adage, "where there's a will, there's a way ..."

Amanda Johnson

The other week, a patient told me about Toni Lommi - the guitarist for Black Sabbath (same band as Ozzy Osbourne - for those who did not know like me).  At 17, he was working in a factory but wanted to pursue his dream of music.  On the day he planned to quit, he was placed on a huge machine that he didn't know how to work.  That afternoon, as he was pushing metal in to the machine, it came down heavily and chopped off the tips of his middle and ring fingers.  Understandably, he remained really down and depressed over the whole situation until his boss encouraged him to listen to jazz music by Django Reinhardt of which he ended up listening to the whole record and became inspired again after learning that Reinhardt only played with two fingers! Lommi made plastic covers for his fingers with melted down plastic liquid soap bottles and covered these with leather to get a better grip.  His unique style and sound came about from the combination of his fingertips, using banjo strings (lighter ones than even the lightest guitar strings) and down-tuning his strings to ease playing and bending.  How cool is that?! ...

look what I got! ...

Amanda Johnson

at the end of the day, when I am flapping to rush out of the door to pick up the kids on time and try to change the cartridge toner and manage the last bit of comms for the day, I get delivered these flowers!  ...aww, soo nice!

thanks so much Kristine ... am a happy girl for the rest of the week now :)

have a great weekend


Amanda Johnson

We will be operating on reduced hours over the Christmas Break. Our hours will be as follows:

December 2014

24th Dec      10.00 – 2.30

25th Dec      Closed

26th Dec      Closed

27th Dec      Closed

28th Dec       Closed

29th Dec       10.00 – 3.30

30th Dec      10.00 – 3.30

31st Dec       10.00 – 2.30


January 2015

1st Jan           Closed

2 Jan             Closed

3rd Jan         Closed

4th Jan          Closed

5th Jan          9.30 – 2.30

6th Jan         9.30 – 2.30

7th Jan         Closed

8th Jan         9.30 – 2.30

9th Jan         Closed

10th Jan        Closed

11th Jan          Closed

(hehe, this whole blogging thing is new and so to edit, etc. seems to be a bit harder than it really should be?!?!) ....

We will be back to normal hours from 12th January 2015 :)


Amanda Johnson

Fractured my own finger over the weekend. Couldn't even whip up an impressive story; was just playing with my son and attempting to block a basketball bee-lining for our rental car. Spent Sunday morning at After Hours and Fracture clinic ... a huge thank you to everyone who looked after me :)

At work still seeing people with a splint on my finger.  How ironic huh!

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